Xander Art Productions Bloemfontein

Xander Art Productions. Musical theater, art & holiday programmes

Xander Art Productions. Musical theater, art & holiday programmes

Xander Art Productions Holiday Programmes & Musical Theater

Xander Art Productions Bloemfontein teaches musical theater to Students of all ages. Ranging from 6-65 years you can expect to feature in 2 musical productions a year. Décor, costumes, make-up, microphones the works! All performed in a local theater.

Xander is a choreographer & artistic director and does work for any Corporate Event and School Productions. Holiday Programmes in Bloemfontein are available in the July and December holidays. Ideal for primary school kids, Xander incorporates Musical Theater, Movement and Arts & Crafts. Be sure to enroll for holiday school early, as spaces can get limited.

Xander Steyn. Actor, singer, dancer, director and choreographer. From the performing arts to fine arts.
Xander is a fine artist who loves to paint and draw. He offers Art
Classes to all ages and anyone who has a passion for art!

As an artist he mostly does commission work in Acrylic and pen. He recently started exhibiting smaller artworks and items at local markets. At age 16 Xander was part of the Water colour Society of South Africa. He took part in painting classes with the amazing Therésé Grunow with mediums of charcoal, acrylic and pen.

Graphic Design

Xander also offers graphic design. For complete company branding to graphic advertising material for events. Xander works closely with clients to create unique logo and graphic. Unique identity to suit each creation.
Xander: Visit Website