Vermicompost Worm Farming
All over South Africa people are venturing into vermicompost worm farming or, vermiculture. Increasing numbers of gardeners worldwide use vermicompost as an excellent soil conditioner.
Growing Solutions
Fertile soil contains lots of humus and micro-organisms. But the humus content needs to be periodically replenished. Micro-organisms need this replenishment to flourish.
An organic alternative to chemical fertilizers
From home gardeners to commercial greenhouse growers. Small organic farms to municipal greenways. Worm farming is now an organic alternative to chemical fertilizers. Liquid compost extract or compost worm tea plays a vital role in soil nutrients.
Our wonder worker, “Good Bugs”
Eisenia Fetida red worms do not occur naturally in Africa. Be sure to order, your starter stock from a reliable supplier. There are various suppliers around and some sell these precious earthworms for fish bait, (don’t try that with me!). You only need to buy the first batch. Thereafter, they multiply quickly, unless you do not take proper care of them.
So, how do we care for the little red wrigglers?
Once you received your starter stock, place them on top of the food in your container. Make sure there is not a dry layer on top. Let them find their own way to do their own thing thereafter – no supervision required!
Worm Farming is great! No pay-as-you-earn taxes, workmen’s compensation or unemployment benefits. What a pleasure to have such wonder-workers!
Red worms (Eisenia fetida) can be purchased from Bloemfontein or Paarl.
Our Consulting Services
We travel around a lot and are always happy to come and offer our consulting services. We give special attention to help you optimise your specific situation. At good bugs, we have gained a vast knowledge and experience over the years and we know what works .. and what doesn’t.. From small to large scale commercial operations. We can assist in your Vermiculture project operation.
Worm farming is not a new idea either. Thanks to Carte Blanche and Pasella, who featured vermicompost operations in their programmes. Gardening magazines have also made more people aware. Everywhere more and more people are seeking vermiculture worm tea solutions. It has taken modern society a long time to appreciate it. After all, the processes does occur naturally in our soils. We as people can better take care of the earth. Vermicompost can be the answer to the individual who wants to do his part in rescuing our planet.
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