Trailer Hire and Rentals in Bloemfontein
SA Trailer Hire & Rentals is what the name suggests. We hire and rent trailers in Bloemfontein to the public. We even have 4×4 trailers for hire!
Our trailer hire stock includes:
- Small Trailer (2m x 2m)
- Flatbed Trailer (2m x 5m)
- Water Bowser (500 litres)
- Diesel Bowser (500 litres)
- Luggage Trailer (2m x 2m)
- 4×4 Trailers
Our trailers are suitable for traveling to anywhere inside South Africa.
Trailer Service, Maintenance, and Repairs
Other services we provide include:
- Trailer servicing – we service all makes and models of trailers.
- Preventive maintenance
- General trailer maintenance
- General trailer upgrades
- Repair services
Buy an Urban Horizon 4×4 Trailers
We are the acting agents for the Urban Horizon 4×4 trailers. These trailers can sleep up to 5 people! Visit our site for more information about these amazing trailers.
We strive to give our customers the best possible service. Because of this we:
- guarantee quality workmanship.
- inspect all trailers and caravans before they leave our premises.
- also inspect all trailers and caravans before they return!