Exclusive private school in Bloemfontein | Anchor Independent Academy

Private School in Bloemfontein Anchor Independent Academy

Exclusive private school in Bloemfontein, Anchor Independent Academy

An exclusive private school in Bloemfontein, Anchor Independent Academy holds to a core policy; only allowing 15 children per teacher. A successful strategy resulting in a focused growth of building our children’s character and integrity to a high standard.

This builds structure, discipline and integrity within our children at an early stage. Thus, carrying the school’s name to a worldwide standard throughout their future. Seen in their speech, pupils present themselves well in their communities and social sector.

Education at the Foundation Phase

The school incorporates South Africa’s CAPS (Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement). Teachers make use of the syllabus as a guideline and then incorporate their own methods of teaching the daily program. All in line with the schools policy.

Education is from 8am – 1pm. Learning through play is our main focus. With intervals between lessons, we have a number of recess routines. Leg stretch, songs and educational games, listening, interaction, play, reading, fantasy and Writing disciplines

Education at the Intermediary Phase

CAPS curriculum is in use at this level. Yet, with growing students, sports and physical development are a focus point. As are spelling bee and Die Vrystaatse Kunswedstrydvereniging. This is where pupils stand in front of an audience in competition with other schools. This is a crucial phase where pupils become aware of their surroundings.

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